
Memahami Perbedaan Bitcoin dan Altcoin

Dimulai dari 2009, seseorang atau kelompok orang yang menyebut namanya sebagai Satoshi Nakamoto menciptakan program komputer tehnologi digital yang berguna sebagai alat pembayaran elektronik pengganti mata uang fiat. Tehnologi ini bernama Bitcoin. Mata uang digital berbasis kriptografi. Seiring waktu, Bitcoin sebagai mata uang kripto berkembang baik dan diterima karena menawarkam sistem keamanan tingkat tinggi terkait alat pembayaran elektronik. Tidak terbatas dari luasnya jangkauan akal manusia modern, cikal bakal mata uang digital Bitcoin ini mulai menarik ahli-ahli komputer untuk menciptakan tehnologi yang serupa dan menjadi alternatif untuk bertransaksi online. Sehingga kita mengenal banyak sekali koin-koin digital disamping Bitcoin yaitu Altcoin. Bitcoin dan altcoin adalah aset kripto yang semakin populer dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Berikut adalah penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang keduanya: Bitcoin (BTC) 1. Pengertian    - Bitcoin adalah mata uang digital terdesentralisa...

On This Page, I Wrote On Web3 About ETHGold


I'm linking digital artwork to my site. On this page, I wrote a story about ETHGold. Visit for more.

NFT Writing I eventually published as a site article. As you are currently reading it. I thought it would be interesting if the descriptions of all the NFT items that I have stored in the Web3 Mirror could link directly to my website. But what is certain, from the "NFT Writing" side, the original article remains on the Web3 Mirror.

If you like it and intend to collect it as a Writing NFT collection, read my original story on page that linked above.

I made the title of the article "On this page, I wrote a story on web3 about ETHGold" so that readers know that this page exists as part of NFT Writing. Even though no one asked what it was for, at least they got direct information about the world of web3 now in their hands. Maybe I didn't include the detailed image file of the NFT Meta Wall Deco that I've designed.

My Work of Art Named ETHGold

I wrote a story with my masterpiece called ETHGold. You know what it is? ETHGold is item #14 from my collection under the name Meta Wall Deco which I listed for sale on the OpenSea marketplace.

In the original article, I wrote "My story is the 19th web3 content that I tell on Mirror Web3". What does it mean? Nobody asks and nobody cares, right? Yes, that's right, unless there are some people or you who are now reading my story and asking, why? To make ornaments on the walls of their rooms, living rooms or floor surfaces of their homes.

I gave the name ETHGold because everyone knows that gold is a precious metal from the past until now. What is your opinion?

My opinion, with ETHGold, I tell my story in order to be a fraction of the gold found on the decentralized Blockchain network. ETHGold is my work that I make as precise information for every Meta Wall Deco item that represents gold. What is precision information? This is information about how I design NFTs from a central point of coordinates, retrieve the data and then choose a value that is close to when the Ethereum blockchain was launched July 30, 2015.

What Does This Have To Do With The Ethereum Launch Date?

There isn't any. Just a heads up that every NFT item I've designed includes 3 ornaments. Ornament? What's that? Yes, it is a circular ornament, a replica of Ethereum and a square.

Note: the description below until the last word is the same as the original description of NFT Writing that I made on Mirror Web3.

#1. Circle Ornament

The circle ornament is a model that represents all the rotating shapes or rules. What's spinning? Wheel, clockwise, disk motion, computer algorithms, job routines, life cycle. Especially? The arrangement of the solar system, the rotation of the earth, the sun and the moon.

The coordinate center point is at the center of the circle. I started from point 0,0. Then, take the 12 o'clock direction as far as the radius of 10 and turn right until it meets 12 o'clock again. One 20 diameter central circle I have made as the pivot.

Next, I returned to the center of the coordinates and repeated to the north as far as a radius of 105. This point became the center point for 17 circular ornaments with a diameter of 20 each. With the aim that the angular distances could be the same between the 17 ornaments, I made an angle of 21 degrees. So as a result, 17 circular ornaments of the same size surround the central circle.

For the third time, I returned to the center of the coordinates, headed north for a radius of 168 then rotated clockwise up to 360 degrees. As a result, an outer circle ornament with a diameter of 336 and a third circle has been created.

#2. Ethereum Replicas

Then, I designed an Ethereum replica. What's that? The Ethereum replica is a model that looks like an image of ETH but is not the real thing. I hope Vitalik doesn't scold me for imitating the Ether image on this page.

In a collection, each item contains 3 different sized Ethereum replicas. Replica which is the largest I made the first model which is easy to design. I designed this largest Ethereum replica ornament with the following details:

Dimensions L x W: 72 x 40

Quantity: 6

Angle between ornaments: 60 degrees

Track radius: 52.57

My track radius starts from point 0.0 then takes the direction of 12 o'clock as far as the radius of 52.57.

If these Ethereum Replica ornaments are an easy way for me to draw, the same two smaller ornaments can be easily redrawn by me. I'm using 0.5 scale for the smaller ornaments. If there's no difficulty, I'd better place the image file for reading, right? Yes that's right. It's easier by looking at my drawings at the bottom of this page's "Details and Dimensions".

#3. Squares

The square ornament represents the protective framework of the parts inside. I assume it's the same as the block generated by the cryptographic system that protects every transaction. Is that right? Maybe similar but not the same.

I designed this shield piece to a size that represents the launch of the Ethereum blockchain. When was the Ethereum blockchain launched? I searched many sites for answers and got information. The Ethereum blockchain was launched on July 30, 2015.

Nothing quite fits, right? Yes that's right. That value is just a 400x400mm length from a 2D square image which contains 3 ornaments with different numbers.

To help design NFTs, I use design software that is widely used for designing machines and residential properties. I use CAD software.

Details and Dimensions

I did not include this section. But if you like, read on this page. The actual sizes of each item from my Meta Wall Deco collection are described as files in the usual image format as "File #1 and File #2" .

ETHGold is just a grain of sand between the long sand beaches of OpenSea which are very wide. It's impossible for anyone to find it, unless it's with the sand around it and then it's taken to be made into a micro processor.

My little story here is still very short among the billions of new blocks on an unlimited network. Not worth the space where I put posts, articles, and community NFTs. Therefore, I am grateful to the platform that provides ample space for tells all my stories and shares many things about technology.

I'm a content creator and site owner. Only a few people read my story here. And again, no one cares, no one pays, no one believes that everything I tell you is my original writing or just someone else's adaptation. Does not matter. I'm still working. I keep working. I keep writing to continue creating content on the web3 Mirror, on web2 and on my site. Designing NFTs, offering to collectors, continuing my story and telling my work.

I'm sure this story of mine will find a place and be a proponent that gives it true value as a Writing NFTs.


Traveling Upgraded Airplane Headrest Accessories

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